Being a chiropractor that focuses on pediatric chiropractic care, I am often asked, “Why Would Children Need Chiropractic?” The answer is quite simple once you understand why a chiropractor does what it is that we do. We don’t adjust people to get rid of their headaches, back pain or neck pain. We adjust people to help reconnect the mind and body. The brain (which is the master control system) is connected to the body via the nervous system. Chiropractors evaluate spinal function because it has direct connections and influences on the nervous system.

When the spine mis-aligns, which is called a subluxation, it interferes with the signals coming from the brain, telling the body what to do, and from the body, telling the brain what it needs. Ever have someone give you directions on a cell phone fading in and out of reception? If you miss an instruction, you probably wouldn’t get to your destination would you? Or maybe the direction came later than it should and you missed the turn. Not a successful outcome in any sorts. When the body and brain have miscommunications things start to go awry.
Birth is one of the most traumatic events a baby and mother will go through. Even a “natural” birth, the person delivering the baby can put up to 40 lbs of pressure pulling, turning and bending the neck of the newborn to get the shoulder through and deliver the baby as quickly as possible. Many times a baby can be injured during this process.
A good way for a parent to tell if their baby is having a problem that may be spinally related, is they may be having trouble consoling the baby, the baby’s head may be turned or tilted in one direction more than the other. The mother may also notice that the newborn nurses better on one side than the other. The child may be colicky or get sick frequently.
Studies have been done specifically citing atlanto-occipital instability (aka upper cervical subluxation aka misalignment of the upper neck) as a primary cause of SIDS. You can read more about subluxations and SIDS here.
This was the case with Josi. Her mother brought her in after seeking our help while she was pregnant with her. Her midwife had told her that the baby may be breach and it would be a good idea to seek out the help of a chiropractor that specializes in prenatal care. Josi was born head down, naturally with no complications. Her mother began to notice that she was a bit fussy though and tended to turn her head to the left and nurse with more facility on her right breast. So she brought her in 2 weeks after her birth.

Now you may be wondering how this can happen. It’s very common actually. Your spine can misalign due to traumas, toxicity, and stress. We are not only talking about large traumas like a car accident or falling off of a tree or a horse when you were little, but even small repetitive traumas of our everyday lifestyles like sitting in front of the computer with bad posture and poor sleeping positions.
7:30am-12:00pm and 2:30pm-6:00pm
7:30am-12:00pm and 1:30pm-5:00pm
Contact Us
Liberty Hill, TX 78642
Phone (512) 368-4532